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2018-4-2 05:36| 发布者: admin| 查看: 25033| 评论: 0

摘要: 福建社团理事会福园记2006年3月5日至4月28日在费城酝酿成立福建社团理事会, 立志为同胞忠诚服务。7月16日在宾州政府正式注册, 2008年4月16日经美国联邦政府正式批准为501C(4) 类型非营利慈善机构。同年与松山福园 ...

2006年3月5日至4月28日在费城酝酿成立福建社团理事会, 立志为同胞忠诚服务。7月
16日在宾州政府正式注册, 2008年4月16日经美国联邦政府正式批准为501C(4) 类型非营
利慈善机构。同年与松山福园(墓园) 签订合约订购这片亚州 I和亚州 II的福地。组成福园管理
理事会暨福建社团理事会, 由5个福建籍代表社团组成。分别为:大费城华人餐馆协会、 费城

福园理事会成员由5个会的会长(主席) 一人及该会成员一人代表其会加入本理事会作为福园理事
成员。 2006年5月9日选出理事长、副理事长、理事。 鉴于本理事会服务需求的特殊性,为
便于对福园和老人院/ 老人中心这种长久性的机构进行经营及经验管理, 理事成员和代表人以及
顾问皆为终生职(除违犯美国刑法者除名、 老迈者光荣请退之外,自然吐故纳新)。
2010年3月1号本理事会成功推动“宾州美亚老人会” 成立为501C(3)类型非营利机构,主要

福建社团理事会宗旨:遵守美国法律,弘扬人类共同文明向往, 秉承仁爱、自律、大公、 永续之
精神经营社区慈善实业及相关慈善事业。坚持为同胞服务, 为社区公益服务。立足社区,逐步融
不忘初心,坚定信念。努力实现立项三大诉求:1. 建立永久性福园,使同胞百年之后入土为安,
灵佑后贤,永享祭奠。 2.建立老人院或老人中心,使退休同胞老有所依,安享晚年。3. 推动兴办
幼、少、青年的文化教育事业,提升子弟学业成绩, 提高群体素质, 弘扬中华民族具有五千多年
以上所记,寄希望于后人们不忘我们的初心,历代继续和发扬下去, 但愿在此的英灵永远保佑后

理事长:刘心生 副理事长:刘用庭 理事:曹汉斌、郑孝扬、董志荣、黄钦坦、郑金光,代表:王
唐德 顾问:陈敏球 等人同创立.

公元2018年1月5日/ 中国鸡年十一月十九日
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------------------
Fujian Fraternal Association of Pennsylvania Cemetery Memorandum

From March 5 to April 28, 2006, we planned for the establishment of the Fujian Fraternal
Association of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, determined to devotedly serve the fellow
members of our community. The association officially registered with the State of
Pennsylvania on July 16th, and was officially approved by the federal government of the
United States of America as a category 501(c)(4) non-profit charitable organization on April
16, 2008. In the same year, a contract was signed with Sunset Memorial Park (Cemetery) to
purchase the pieces of burial land labeled Asian I and Asian II. We formed the Cemetery
Management Committee, i.e. the Fujian Fraternal Association of Pennsylvania, made up of 5
organizations representing the Fujianese community. These organizations are as follows: the
Greater Philadelphia Chinese Restaurant Association, the Changle Association of
Philadelphia USA, the Fujian Association of Philadelphia USA, the Fujian Association of the
Greater Philadelphia Area, and the Commonwealth Ethnic Development of Pennsylvania
(replaced by the Asian American Senior Association of PA since 2010).

The members of the Cemetery Committee are made up of one president (chairman) and one
representative from each association to be represent his or her association in joining said
Association as a member of the Cemetery Committee. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, and
Board of Directors were elected on May 9, 2006. Due to the special nature of the service and
needs of said Association, and in order to account for the convenience of conducting
management and management by experience for such long-term institutions as a cemetery
and a nursing home/senior center, committee members and representatives, as well as
counsel, are all life-time positions (except, those who violate the criminal law of America will
be removed, and those who are elderly will be asked to retire with pride, by and large cycling
in and out the new and old).
On March 1, 2010, said Association successfully pushed forward the establishment of the
“Asian American Senior Association of PA” as a category 501(c)(3) non-profit organization,
mainly serving the elderly.

The objective of Fujian Fraternal Association of Pennsylvania is: to abide by the laws of the
United States of America; to promote the common aspiration towards human civilization; to
uphold the spirits of benevolence, self-discipline, ultimate fairness, and sustainability in
operating the community charity industry and related charity affairs; to remain committed to
serving the members of our community, and to serving for the welfare of our community; and
to establish a foothold in the community, and gradually integrate into mainstream society.
We shall not forget our initial intentions, and we shall hold firm to our beliefs. We shall work
hard on the following project to satisfy three great demands: 1. To establish a permanent
cemetery, so as to let the members of our community be buried in peace after their passing,
from which they may watch over our descendants, and be remembered and honored for
eternity. 2. To establish a nursing home or senior center, so as to provide retired members of
our community a source of support in old age, and allow them to enjoy their life in retirement.
3. To promote the establishment of culture and education for toddlers, children, and youth, so
as to raise academic achievement in our children, enhance the character of our people, and
advance the fine traditional virtues consistently passed down in the more than five thousand
year old culture and history of the Chinese nation.

With that which as recorded above, we express hope in our descendants to remember our
initial intentions, and to pass down and promote our goals in each successive generation, with
only hopes that the spirits of those who rest here shall forever protect the later generations.

Established Chairman: Simon X. S. Liu / Xin Sheng Liu, 
Vice Chairman: Danny Lau / Yung Ting Lau, 
Board of Directors: Han Bin Cao,
Xiao Yang Zheng, 
Zhi Rong Dong, 
Qin Tan Huang, 
Tony Cheng ,
Representative: Tang De Wong,
Counsel: Min Qiu Chen, et al.

January 5, 2018 A.D. / The 19th Day of the 11th Month of the Year of the Rooster, China
Author: Yu Tong Gao







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